Scratch built ribs and outboards

Discussie in 'Speedboten' gestart door Returntohome, 7 apr 2022.

  1. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    F1h2o Italian job

    The gremlins struck again, this time the gear moved enough to disengage, then when stripping down i broke the casing. Well on the way now in making a new gearbox casing, with 1mm alteration to the lip that holds the vertical shaft, to make sure the gears are meshing. Then I machined the support tube to take a newly made cap, designed to stop any movement of the oilseal which in turn would let the bearings move and so disengage the gears, which is what I think happened. My other engines don't have this problem because of a removable top bearing holder, to allow oil filling and emptying. Because I used strong loctite last time I can't get the gear off, so that means I can't get the top bearing out for oil filling so thinking of packing it with grease before sealing the two halves together, will it work? 20231022_160805.jpg 20231022_095516.jpg
    eric_laermans en cadcam vinden dit leuk.
  2. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    F1h2o Italian job
    It worked! Had a great morning running her up and down the lake. With some full throttle runs she looks the part , nose in the air, tons of spray flying off the back. I thought it might be noisy with grease instead of oil, but not at all sounds just the same. Time will tell if the top bearing in the vertical tube gets lubrication. Shame Paul didn't have his camera, maybe next time.
    I found the cap head screws holding the battery bay a bit awkward, so I have used the thumb screws I bought originally, much better don't need a driver now either, see photo.
    Even reduced water getting into the boat to an acceptable level, using sealant on the rear section.
    The extra cooling provided by the air scoop on top of the cowl is working a treat, the wires and motor staying nice and cool.
    I don't get long on a 5000mah battery, so been looking at something bigger , I guess 6000 wouldn't make much difference, but 10,000 might. Any ideas welcome. 20231025_132103.jpg
  3. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    Neptune 2 rib
    For a moment I wondered what I was doing next now the f1 is finished, then I noticed the hull under the bench, ah Neptune number 2. So after lots of searching on the computer I have most of the files collected, I never learn. Anyway a 12 hour print yesterday and we have the new design of the rear panel complete with drain holes, see photo. There is a lot of work ahead for the printer, it should be easier to build this second boat with all the pioneering knowledge gained from the first one, fingers crossed. 20231101_040618.jpg
    eric_laermans en cadcam vinden dit leuk.
  4. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    20231101_160117.jpg 20231101_160133.jpg 20231101_154940.jpg

    Neptune 2 build
    The rear panel was cleaned up and fits nicely into the transom. The parts are coming off the printer nice and clean so no need for filler so far, should be able to be painted straight off.
    Took the F1 out yesterday, she performed flawlessly. Still not good weather for filming though. Lucky to get a break in the rain, we've had so much the jetty was flooded.
    Unusual RC, Tamiya1970 en cadcam vinden dit leuk.
  5. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    Neptune 2 rib
    When you've had a week off it's hard to pick up where you've left off, anyway yesterday I made the effort. So I got the dremel out and cut 15mm off the sides of the hull tapering down to 0 at the transom. I cut a cardboard disc out to use as a template to cut the foam tube, see photo. The printer was working all day on the first arch support, it seems to have come out really well, so the other side is now on the go. Once again I am dreading cutting the angles in the foam tubes wish there was an easy way. It has to angle upwards and inwards at the same time, any mistakes will leave gaps in the joint. 20231113_153950.jpg 20231113_154001.jpg 20231113_153215.jpg 20231113_153154.jpg
    cadcam en Mantaray1969 vinden dit leuk.
  6. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  7. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    20231121_095406.jpg 20231119_155303.jpg

    I hollowed out the console this time to save weight. She printed well ,took 24 hours so no time saved by hollowing. No support used so was worried, but it was fine, even that big flat area of the front seat.
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  8. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK

    Neptune 2 rib
    The console seems to have printed well, maybe not quite as cleanly as last time, but with some work on the details it will be OK.
    Nice to see it alongside the first prototype. I will take my time on this one, maybe I could sell one of my original ribs with the ally hull to finance this one. But I think ebay have got expensive to use for selling over the years.
    Note in photo one the light arch support dips at the front this time, like the full size.
  9. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    283798401_514066330453750_5262173826364043019_n.jpg Kinsale_Neptune_Rib.jpg NeptuneRib_Kinsale-rotated.jpg
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  10. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    20231124_114204.jpg 20231124_114251.jpg

    These two ribs have gone on sale on ebay (and in our club house at a cheaper price) for the first time there is a choice of outboard, either prop drive or jet drive. Servicing will be available, but we find these engines are super reliable and just keep going. I realise it's not much use to my Dutch fans as they need to be demonstrated and collected in person, but thought you'd be interested to see what I am up to.
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  11. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK

    This film shows both boats in action
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  12. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  13. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    20231219_141729.jpg 20231219_141653.jpg

    Time in the workshop , at last it's a bit milder. So to get things moving I cut the foam tubes, being very careful to make a left and right hand. Also a right angle cut where it drops over the transom and taking into account the slope of the transom. I should be able to get these covered when the ends I pushed in have dried, used CT1.
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  14. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    Record breaking F1h2o
    With my best 2 3s batteries on board I had the lake to myself as it was very cold. I could tell she was motoring so thought I might have a record. Yes 40mph dead on , that was my target.
    So now to fit my new 6s battery with its as150 plugs, 75c so would it be able to provide enough current, YES , couldn't believe it when I removed the battery bay cover the gps read 42.2 mph. So twice in one day I broke the record, just shows getting everything tight did the trick.
    I now have my new Bluetooth watt meter to fit so I can get some readings, with those I may be able to go up a size on the prop, but if not I will be happy with running at 42mph. 20231220_110126.jpg
    cadcam en Tamiya1970 vinden dit leuk.
  15. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    Michiel put me on to the new E1 electric racing boats, after I expressed an interest in hydrofoils. I think I needed a break from my rib building, so put that to one side. The idea is to make and fit foils to my existing hull, then if it works to buy a dedicated hull with a long nose probably 38" long. A 10mm ally tube will go right through the hull then stainless steel to the right shape will be clad in 3d printed parts. Easier to see from photos than writing it down. For the outboard I thought of using my jet version with wings added to the pickup, this is to lift the back end. I am also working out how to use my prop outboard with a wing under the propeller supported by metal brackets like the full size. E1-Series-RaceBird-Electric-Raceboat-Hydrofoil-Cooling-Tech.jpg

    Bijgevoegde bestanden:

    Unusual RC vindt dit leuk.
  16. pascall


    Lid geworden:
    8 mrt 2008
    I've been following this thread with great interest for a long time. Wonderful what you get done, deep appreciation!


  17. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK

    Thank you your very kind, Pascal. The 2 main foil panels were placed in boiling water then pushed onto the steel core, sets hard in seconds with the right curve. They slide off so can be replaced with a new pair drawn to a different profile.

    Bijgevoegde bestanden:

    Unusual RC en cadcam vinden dit leuk.
  18. Unusual RC

    Unusual RC

    Lid geworden:
    19 mei 2004
    Rijswijk, Zuid Holland
    Interesting stuff!
    Are you going to test the foils first on a test-rig, or on the purpose build hull for it?
  19. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    This will get the foils first then if it works I can buy the long nose hull, or I might have so much fun I won't want to take them off. I've asked for weight and he thinks they both weigh 1.2kg. The new hull is £70 plus 15 postage.
    cadcam vindt dit leuk.
  20. Returntohome


    Lid geworden:
    3 apr 2022
    Leeds UK
    E1 Seabird
    A couple of pics of the hull I might end up buying with a long nose. Also pics of the vc jet water pickup with wings. There are a dozen reasons why this won't work, one pointed out by Robin, the pickup will suck the engine down. Never considered that one, also are the wings too close to the water inlet. Are they too big, or too small. They cost nothing to make, so worth a try, testing on the lake might throw up some answers.

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