Dat is een probleem van de MC32 V1, de displays zijn niet UV-resistent....
Aero '79 in Nijswiller? Aero '79 - Home Gr. Hannes
Modellbaus Drescher Modellbau Drescher in Würselen, 20 km uit de buurt van Heerlen, 10 km van Aken Link: Home - Drescher Modellbau --...
Moooi mooi Peter!!! Spannende finish in Frameries :-) Gr Hannes
Begin van de wedstrijd in Maldegem (tijd) ?? Regards Hannes
Hi, dat is een Bird von Norbert Habe (+). De zweever ist niet meer verkrijgbar. groeten Hannes
In eastern Belgium, the weather was really too bad to drive! What a pity! I hope that the paella was good ... Hi Peter, a 4th competition...
Me too!!!!!! Hannes
Drunken pilot? Kuriose Notlandung - Pilot und Copilotin geflüchtet
Thank you guys! Try this one! [IMG] Hannes PS: Sorry for writing in English, if I write dutch nobody will understand me..
Pützer Elster Ein Oldtimer-Flugzeug vom Typ “Pützer Elster B” aus dem Jahr 1963 wurde mit Porsche-Unterstützung umfangreich restauriert und wird...
Meer dan denkwerk, ook handwerk! But it made fun!!! Bedankt Hannes
Bedankt Bedankt an alle mensen voor de luike westrijd en de "pleasing" atmosphere! cu Hannes
F3A with 8s / an example The theory 8s vs 10s has been discussed in this thread. Look here for a - very leightweight - realised example of F3A...
Hezik: not a good job, a VERY GOOD JOB!!! knife-edge: cu on the competition in Frameries or Putte? Good night Hannes
citaat niek: Vliegt beter dan een normale platte shok? IMO it flyes a little bit "smoother". Example square loop: The "stall"-radius of a...
Hi guys! On page 11 oft this thread my shocky with "huishoudfolie" was discussed. Here you'll find some further informations: F3P-Flieger...
Hello! Indoor-session in Eupen is cancelled on 03.12.2006 (also in belgium sinter klaas is popular!!) cu Hannes Kolks PS @ Theo ich...
Hi! 24EUR per pilot: That's much too expensive!! Example: 12 Pilots per session, then every pilot has to pay 2 EUR! cu Hannes PS: The...
Hi! This winter (from end october till april) in Eupen each sunday "indoor-flying" takes place. Every pilot (plane and heli up to 500 gr!) is...
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