hallo ik heb de phoenix sim 3.0 gekocht met de spectrum dx5e maar mijn servo's staan niet goed weet iemand dit te veranderen ?
Heb je er niet een gebruiksaanwijzing bij gekregen? Even doorlezen lijkt mij, voordat je het hier gaat vragen. Mvg Richard
hey je moet nu ook niet lastig doen hé bedoel je dat je kanalen in de verkeerde richting werken of zo ? maw dat je kanalen "gereversed" moeten worden ? of dat je sticks op je zender een compleet ander stuurvlak aansturen dan dat zou moeten ? dat moet je in de sim zelf instellen onder je controls ...
Booster, Chillen, je zit op een Nederlands forum, remember [mod]Gelieve je post te willen aanpassen, Belg, Nederlander, Marsmannetje doen niets terzake en zorgen alleen voor wrevel. Belgen/hollandermoppentappen doe je maar in de gepaste topics [/mod] Nathan, Ik heb ook tegen wat problemen aangelopen met een niet programmeerbare zender. Ga naar het menu (bovenaan je scherm) en kijk bij "system". In het systeemmenu vind je "setup control", "My Controller enz. Phoenix is voorzien van setups van diverse merken zenders die standaard gecofigureerd zijn. Kijk of de jouwe ertussen zit, selecteren, klaar! Indien niet moet je een nieuwe controller (zender) manueel configureren in het zelfde "system" menu. Van zenders kunnen alle parameters in phoenix softwarematig veranderd worden (als je eigen zender het niet toelaat). Je hebt wat werk te doen zou ik zeggen. Stevo
even een stukje: If after setting up your transmitter the simulated models do not react as expected to your controller inputs, this can be due to a number of reasons: Calibration Calibrating your transmitter lets Phoenix know the full extent of travel of your radio's sticks, and also whether you have any switches or sliders on your radio. If your radio is not calibrated correctly then the model will not fly as you expect in the simulator. To check your calibration, open the system > your transmitter menu, and look at the orange bars on the menu: When you move the throttle stick only, either one or two bars should move smoothly from one extent to the other as you move the stick, and these bars should be central when the throttle stick is centered. If the orange bars do not move smoothly, and jump from one extent to the other then you may not have had your throttle stick centered when prompted to "centre all sticks" during the calibration process. In this case you should recalibrate your radio again by clicking the calibrate button at the top of the menu, making sure to have your throttle stick centered (not at the idle position) when prompted, and to make sure that you do not have your idle-up or throttle-hold switches (if your radio has these) active at any time before or during calibration. If more than two bars (i.e. three or more bars) move when you move your throttle stick up and down then you may have CCPM or swashplate mixing enabled on your radio. When using your radio with an R/C simulator such as Phoenix your radio should have the CCPM mixing disabled or the swashplate settings set to single-servo / 90-degrees. After you have done so you should recalibrate your radio by clicking the calibrate button at the top of the menu. All of the other sticks (rudder, aileron and elevator) should each move an orange bar fully up and down when you move the stick, and be central when the stick is centered. If this does not happen then you may have CCPM/swashplate mixing enabled, and you should follow the instructions above regarding disabling this. Control Profiles If you have followed the instructions above, and have confirmed that your transmitter is calibrated correctly then you may not have the correct control profile selected, or your radio may not be set to factory defaults. A control profile tells Phoenix which channels (sticks, switches, etc) on your radio control which functions (throttle, aileron, gear, etc) on the simulated model. You should make sure that you have the nearest make and model of transmitter to the one you are using selected from the list under the system > your controls menu. If you have done so, then your radio may not be set to factory defaults, or you may be using a different mode than the default mode 2 used in all preset control profiles. In this case, please follow the steps below to create a new custom control profile for your radio: • Open the system > your controls menu • Click the button marked New • Type a name for your radio in the box provided (e.g. "My Futaba 10C") • Make sure that Quick Setup is checked • Click Continue • Follow the onscreen instructions carefully to create a new control profile for your radio Mvg Richard