Heb probleem met mijn code. De code tot nu toe werkt prima,echter als ik een kanaal van mijn receiver wil toevoegen werkt deze niet en stopt de serieel monitor er ook mee heb een H bridge met 2motoren een servo en een 8kanaals relais module deze werken allemaal zowel met RC als via de telefoon met Bluetooth Daar ik een carson 14kanaals zender /ontvanger heb en nu maar 5kanalen heb aangesloten gaat alles goed declareer ik echter channel[6]=pinIn(10,HIGH,50000); werkt deze niet ook de serieel monitor geeft niets meer aan voor de rest blijft alles wel werken Wat doe ik verkeerd wie weet raad?? Code: const int SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 8; char serialBuffer[SERIAL_BUFFER_SIZE]; #include <Servo.h> boolean newData = false; const byte numChars = 32; char receivedChars[numChars]; // an array to store the received data //servo const int servo1 = 32; // Pin for the first servo int servoVal; Servo myservo1; // create servo object to control a servo void Motor_1(); void bluethooth(); void recvWithEndMarker(); void showNewData(); //l298n ------------- // Motor A int enA =2; int in1 = 52; int in2 = 50; // Motor B int enB = 3; int in3 = 51; int in4 = 53; //Motor Speed Values - Start at zero int MotorSpeed1 = 0; int MotorSpeed2 = 0; //rc kanalen--------- double channel[2]; const int pwmPIN[]={4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,44}; // an array to identify the PWM input pins (the array can be any length) int RC_inputs = 0; int i; int buttonState =0; int lastbuttonState = 0; int x = 0; void setup(){ myservo1.attach(servo1); // attaches the servo for(i=22;i<30;i++) { pinMode(i, OUTPUT);//relay pins digitalWrite(i, HIGH); for(i=30;i<40;i++) pinMode(i, OUTPUT);//relay pins digitalWrite(i, LOW); } // Set all the motor control pins to outputs pinMode(enA, OUTPUT); pinMode(enB, OUTPUT); pinMode(in1, OUTPUT); pinMode(in2, OUTPUT); pinMode(in3, OUTPUT); pinMode(in4, OUTPUT); int motorA=0; int motorB = 0; // Start with motors disabled and direction forward // Motor A digitalWrite(enA, LOW); digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); // Motor B digitalWrite(enB, LOW); digitalWrite(in3, HIGH); digitalWrite(in4, LOW); Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { channel[0]=pulseIn(7, HIGH,50000);//ch2 ln298 rechter joystick x as channel[1]=pulseIn(8, HIGH,50000);//ch4 ln298 rechter joystick y as channel[3]=pulseIn(6, HIGH,50000);//ch8 ln298 channel[4]=pulseIn(4, HIGH,50000);//ch 14 relais1 en relais 2 channel[5]=pulseIn(5, HIGH,50000);//ch 13 2xrelais channel[6]=pulseIn(10, HIGH,50000);//ch 13 2xrelais // failsave voor als het rc signaal wegvalt stopt het script //failsave int sIn = 4; unsigned long dur; unsigned long failsafeVal = 1900; int debounce = 1; //seconds//amount of time to regain rc signal from the time its lost unsigned long lastDisconnection = 0; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; int RCstatus = 0; int prevStatus = 0; unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); dur = pulseIn(sIn, HIGH, 500000); //falls to acceptable range if (dur >= 950 && dur <= 2000) { //check if it regains signal if (prevStatus == 2 && (currentMillis - lastDisconnection) < (debounce * 1000)) dur = failsafeVal; Motor_1(); } else { bluethooth(); } } void Motor_1(){ //y as biede motoren syncroon voor achteruit x as alleen linker of rechter motor met roerservo----------- if (channel[3] >1500){ if (channel[0] < 1400) { // Set Motor A backward digitalWrite(in1, LOW); digitalWrite(in2, HIGH); // Set Motor B backward digitalWrite(in3, LOW); digitalWrite(in4, HIGH); MotorSpeed1 = map(channel[0], 1400, 1020, 0, 255); MotorSpeed2 = map(channel[0], 1400,1020, 0,255); } else if (channel[0] > 1500) { // This is Forward // Set Motor A forward digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); // Set Motor B forward digitalWrite(in3, HIGH); digitalWrite(in4, LOW); //Determine Motor Speeds MotorSpeed1 = map(channel[0],1480, 1930, 0, 255); MotorSpeed2 = map(channel[0],1480, 1930, 0, 255); } else { // This is Stopped MotorSpeed1 = 0; MotorSpeed2 = 0; } // Now do the steering if (channel[1] < 1400) { // Move Left i = map(channel[1], 1400, 1020, 0, 255); MotorSpeed1 = MotorSpeed1 - i; MotorSpeed2 = MotorSpeed2 + i; if (MotorSpeed1 < 0)MotorSpeed1 = 0; if (MotorSpeed2 > 255)MotorSpeed2 = 255; } else if (channel[1] > 1550) { // Move Right i= map(channel[1], 1508, 1930, 0, 255); MotorSpeed1 = MotorSpeed1 + i; MotorSpeed2 = MotorSpeed2 -i; // Don't exceed range of 0-255 for motor speeds if (MotorSpeed1 < 0)MotorSpeed1 = 0; if (MotorSpeed2 > 255)MotorSpeed2 = 255; } } //alleen syncroon draaien met roerservo -------yas motoren x as roerservo--------------- if ( channel[3]>1400 && channel[3]<1600){ if (channel[0] < 1400) { // Set Motor A backward digitalWrite(in1, LOW); digitalWrite(in2, HIGH); // Set Motor B backward digitalWrite(in3, LOW); digitalWrite(in4, HIGH); MotorSpeed1 = map(channel[0], 1400, 1010, 0, 255); MotorSpeed2 = map(channel[0], 1400,1010, 0,255); } else if (channel[0] > 1500) { // This is Forward // Set Motor A forward digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); // Set Motor B forward digitalWrite(in3, HIGH); digitalWrite(in4, LOW); //Determine Motor Speeds MotorSpeed1 = map(channel[0],1500, 1930, 0, 255); MotorSpeed2 = map(channel[0],1500, 1930, 0, 255); } else { // This is Stopped MotorSpeed1 = 0; MotorSpeed2 = 0; } } if ( channel[3]<1400){ if (channel[1]>1500){ //Motor A achteruit digitalWrite(in1, LOW); digitalWrite(in2, HIGH); // Set Motor B vooruit digitalWrite(in3, HIGH); digitalWrite(in4, LOW); MotorSpeed1 = map(channel[1],1500, 1930, 0, 255); MotorSpeed2 = map(channel[1],1500, 1930, 0, 255); } else if ( channel[3]<1400){ if ( channel[1]<1500){ digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); // Set Motor B backward digitalWrite(in3, LOW); digitalWrite(in4, HIGH); MotorSpeed1 = map(channel[1], 1400, 1020, 0, 255); MotorSpeed2 = map(channel[1], 1400,1020, 0,255); } }else { // This is Stopped MotorSpeed1 = 0; MotorSpeed2 = 0; } } if (MotorSpeed1 < 30)MotorSpeed1 = 0; // Adjust to prevent "buzzing" at very low speed if (MotorSpeed2 < 30)MotorSpeed2 = 0; analogWrite(enA, MotorSpeed1); // Set the motor speeds analogWrite(enB, MotorSpeed2); // servo roer // servo roer if (channel[1]>1490){//sturen bij syncroon draaien servoVal= map(channel[1], 1485, 1915,90,0); // sturen met beide motoren knop middenstand }else if (channel[1]<1450){ servoVal= map(channel[1], 1480,1020, 90, 180); }else if (channel[1]>1400 && channel[1]<1550){ servoVal = 90; } myservo1.write(servoVal); delay(5); if(channel[4]>1600 ){ //dekverl 1 pulse kan. 4 buttonState =digitalRead (22); if (buttonState ==HIGH){ digitalWrite (22, LOW); } else if(channel[4]>1600 ){ digitalWrite (22, HIGH); } delay(300); } if(channel[4]<1200 && channel[4]>800 ){ //dekverl 2 buttonState =digitalRead (33); if (buttonState ==HIGH){ digitalWrite (33, LOW); } else if(channel[4]<1200 && channel[4]>800){ digitalWrite (33, HIGH); } delay(300); } Serial.println (channel[4]); if(channel[5]>1600 ){ //dekverl 1 pulse kan. 4 buttonState =digitalRead (31); if (buttonState ==HIGH){ digitalWrite (31, LOW); } else if(channel[5]>1600 ){ digitalWrite (31, HIGH); } delay(300); } if(channel[5]<1200 && channel[5]>800 ){ //dekverl 2 buttonState =digitalRead (35); if (buttonState ==HIGH){ digitalWrite (35, LOW); } else if(channel[5]<1200 && channel[5]>800){ digitalWrite (35, HIGH); } Serial.println (channel[5]); delay(300); } } void bluethooth(){ static byte ndx = 0; char startmarker; char endMarker = '>'; char rc; while (Serial.available() > 0 && newData == false) { rc = Serial.read(); if (rc != endMarker) { receivedChars[ndx] = rc; ndx++; if (ndx >= numChars) { ndx = numChars - 1; } } else { receivedChars[ndx] = '\0'; // terminate the string ndx = 0; newData = true; } int motorA; int motorB ; // Set all the motor control pins to outputs pinMode(enA, OUTPUT); pinMode(enB, OUTPUT); pinMode(in1, OUTPUT); pinMode(in2, OUTPUT); pinMode(in3, OUTPUT); pinMode(in4, OUTPUT); // Start with motors disabled and direction forward // Motor A digitalWrite(enA, LOW); digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); // Motor B digitalWrite(enB, LOW); digitalWrite(in3, HIGH); digitalWrite(in4, LOW); int angle=0; if (newData == true) { char input=receivedChars; Serial.print(receivedChars); Serial.print("-"); int Blt = atol(receivedChars); Serial.println(Blt); // if startmarker=C switch (Blt) { case 1: // Dekverlichting 1 digitalWrite(30, HIGH); break; case 2: digitalWrite(30,LOW); break; case 3: //Dekverlichting2 digitalWrite(31,HIGH); break; case 4: // digitalWrite(31,LOW); break; case 5: //Stuurhutlicht digitalWrite(34, HIGH); break; case 6: digitalWrite(34,LOW); break; case 7: //schijnwerpers digitalWrite(35,HIGH); break; case 8: // digitalWrite(35,LOW); break; case 9: //navigatielichten digitalWrite(36, HIGH); break; case 10: digitalWrite(36,LOW); break; case 11: //sleeplichten digitalWrite(22,HIGH); break; case 12: digitalWrite(22,LOW); break; case 13: //radars digitalWrite(28, LOW); break; case 14: digitalWrite(28,HIGH); break; case 15: digitalWrite(29,LOW); break; case 16: // digitalWrite(29,HIGH); break; case 109: //Stuur BB servoVal = 178; myservo1.write(servoVal); break; case 110: servoVal = 90; myservo1.write(servoVal); break; case 111: //Stuur SB servoVal = 0; myservo1.write(servoVal); break; case 112: servoVal = 90; myservo1.write(servoVal); break; case 100: ///motor A vooruit motorA=2; break; case 102: ///motor A stop motorA = 0; break; case 113: ///motor A stopknop motorA = 0; break; case 105: // // set motorA achteruit motorA= 1; break; case 106: //// zet motorA stop motorA = 0; break; case 107: //: // // set motorB achteruit motorB = 1; break; case 108: //// zet motorB stop motorB = 0; break; case 114: //// zet motorB stopknop motorB = 0; break; case 103: //// set motorB voouit motorB =2; break; case 104: //// zet motorB stop motorB = 0; break; } if (motorA == 1 && Blt==406){ // Set Motor A backward digitalWrite(in1, LOW); digitalWrite(in2, HIGH); MotorSpeed1 = 40; ; Serial.print("A achteruit"); }else if (motorA == 2 && Blt == 404){ // Set Motor A forward Serial.print(" A vooruit"); digitalWrite(in1, HIGH); digitalWrite(in2, LOW); MotorSpeed1 = 40; }else if (motorA == 0){ Serial.print(" A stop"); MotorSpeed1 = 0; } if (motorB == 1 &&Blt ==408){ // Set Motor B backward Serial.print("B achteruit"); digitalWrite(enB, LOW); digitalWrite(in3, LOW); digitalWrite(in4, HIGH); MotorSpeed2 = 40; }else if (motorB == 2 &&Blt==410){ // Set Motor B forward Serial.print(" B vooruit"); digitalWrite(in3, HIGH); digitalWrite(in4, LOW); MotorSpeed2 =40; }else if(motorB == 0){ Serial.print(" b stop"); MotorSpeed2 = 0; } if (Blt > 1000&& Blt < 1255) { if ( motorA== 1 || motorA == 2){ MotorSpeed1= map (Blt,1000,1255,30,255); } } if ( Blt>2000 && Blt< 2255 ){ if ( motorB == 1 || motorB== 2){ MotorSpeed2 = map (Blt,2000,2255,30,255); } } if ( Blt> 3000&& Blt< 3255 ){ if ( motorB == 1 && motorA== 1|| motorB== 2 && motorA==2 || motorA==1 && motorB == 2 || motorA==2 && motorB ==1){ MotorSpeed1 = map (Blt,3000,3255,30,255); MotorSpeed2 = map (Blt,3000,3255,30,255); } } Serial.print("-A="); Serial.print(motorA); Serial.print("-B="); Serial.print(motorB); Serial.print("-ms1_"); Serial.print (MotorSpeed1); Serial.print("-ms2_"); Serial.println (MotorSpeed2); analogWrite(enA, MotorSpeed1); // Set the motor speeds analogWrite(enB, MotorSpeed2); } newData = false; } }