Dag allemaal, Ik ben een 40 kanaal zeder aan het maken met een arduino mega, xbee radio modules, OLED scherm, SD card en nog wat toeters en bellen: Ben ook een handleiding aa het schrijven in het Engels dus even copy en pasten wat ik al heb. Als er iemand grootschalige projecten heeft en interesse, graag een seintje. Openstaande dingen die ik nog moet programeren zijn: Automatische stoplichten Automatische achteruitrijlichten. Geluid in de zender. Hier alvast al het gedeelte handleiding dat ik al heb: Capabilitys of the device: Control up to 40 devices. Among them are servo’s, LED’s, motor speed controllers. 2 Xbee radio slots for communication with 2 Xbee radio receivers at the same time. Each Xbee radio receiver can work with a single or a daisy chain of two PWM submodules for 16 or 32 channels on each reveiver. 8 continuous scanned Radio channels on two 4-axis Joysticks. 4 groups of 8 event based Radio channels with 8x2 illuminated pushbuttons and 8 potentiometers. 4 extra channels for the direction indicators bringing the actual channel count to 44. Each of the 40 Radio channels can be routed to any of the available Receiver channels. SD card to store 8 models. 2 dedicated blinker knobs with automatic reset by steering. Interchangeable Arduino Mega 2560 CPU. Setting up an Xbee radio communication: Inside the radio you have 2 Xbee radio slots, U7 and U3. (U7 for destination 1) (U3 for destination 2) This makes it possible to control both a truck and trailer for example without connecting servo wires between the two. Each vehicle can have its own Xbee receiver module. Xbee modules (Radio&Receiver) need to be paired and set for serial communication using the software X-CTU by Zigbee and the baudrate has to be set to 9600. Look at the Xbee documentation for more details. Every Xbee receiver module has a 6-pin connector for ready made PCA9685 16 channels 12 bit PWM boards. 2 boards can be linked together (daisy chain) for up to 32 channels on a Xbee receiver module. 5V power (BEC) needs to be provided on the PCA9685’s green screw terminal to power both devices and Xbee receiver. Configuring a radio channel: Before anything is configured no standard setup is loaded and no Radio channels are routed to any of the receiver channels, unlike any commercially available radio system. A channel parameter list consists of 2 sets of 8 parameters accessible by the buttons Set A & Set B. Set A: DEST CHAN TYPE BRGT DIMM sMax sMin sMid DEST : 1 to 2 Set the destination Xbee Radio Receiver 1 or 2. CHAN 1 to 32 Sets the receiver channel the selected radio channel needs to be routed to. TYPE 1 to 8 1 = LED BRIGHT/OFF for controlling LED with a simple on/off function . 2 = LED BRIGHT/DIMMED/OFF for controlling dimmable head lights. 3 = LED ANALOG for a led with the brightness settable with the channel potentiometer while holding the up pushbutton. 4 = SERVO 2 POSITION for toggling a servo’s position with 2 buttons (up/down). 5 = SERVO 3 POSITIONS for operating motor speed controllers in two directions by 2 pushbuttons (up/down). 6 = SERVO ANALOG for controlling a servos position with the channel potentiometer while holding the up pushbutton or with the joysticks without holding the up pushbutton. 7 & 8 = Set the blinker knobs Left & Right to this channel. BRGT 0-127 Set the maximal brightness level of a LED. DIMM 0-127 Set the middle brightness level of a LED. sMax 0-127 Set the servo travel point for the max position or ESC speed. sMin 0-127 Set the servo travel point for the min position or ESC speed. Reverse sMax/sMin values to change servo or ESC direction. sMid 0-127 Set the servo travel point for the middle position or ESC idle point Set B: sDir MixX MixC MixA Chr1 Chr2 Chr3 Chr4 sDir: Not used Reverse sMax/sMin values to change servo or ESC direction MixX Not used Future parameter for mixing functions MixC Not used Future parameter for mixing functions MixA Not used Future parameter for mixing functions Chr1 0-9 to A-Z First character of the radio channel name Chr2 0-9 to A-Z 2nd character of the radio channel name Chr3 0-9 to A-Z 3th character of the radio channel name Chr4 0-9 to A-Z 4th character of the radio channel name In a blank channel every value is 255. To test the radio with a servo connect it to the first channel of the first Xbee receiver submodule. Press SET A. Navigate trough the 40 Radio channels by pressing the left and right blinker buttons. Channel 1 to 32 are the event based pushbutton functions. Channel 33-40 are continuous transmitted analog radio channels from the 2 Joystick’s. The active Radio channel is displayed in the left corner of the screen. In Radio channel 1 set both the DEST and CHAN to 1. There are 2 ways to enter data. Hold the down button and turn the pot of that radio channel. +1 Increments can be made with the up buttons This channel is now linked to the first channel from the first receiver. Set the min and max servo positions to 0 and 127. Set the TYPE to 4. Connect a servo to receiver destination 1 channel 1 Now press the group 1-8 button an try to move the servo by pressing up/down. The red and green LED’s in the buttons should also react. The Joystick axis numbers are written on the frontpanel (33->40). Make a test with those ass well using TYPE 6. Direction indicators: Left and right direction indicators can be linked to 4 receivers and channels of your choice. To access the left indicator settings press the Set A knob while holding down the left indicator button. To access the right indicator settings press the Set B knob while holding down the right indicator button. DeR1 ChR1 DeR2 ChR2 Link Arm Swit Dir DeL1/DeR1: 1 to 2 Destination receiver for the first left or right direction indicator signal. ChL1/ChR1: 1 to 32 Receiver channel for the first left or right direction indicator signal. DeL2/DeR2: 1 to 2 Destination receiver for the second left or right direction indicator signal. ChL2/ChR2: 1 to 32 Receiver channel for the second left or right direction indicator signal. Link: 33 to 40 Analog radio channel used for steering that provides the automatic reset of the direction indicator after the turn is finished. Arm 0 to 255 Position of the steering axis where the indicator arms itself for resetting. Switch 0 to 255 Position of the steering axis where the indicator resets itself after being armed. Dir 1 to 2 Direction of the resetting link (invert when left steering resets the right indicator for example) Save a model on an SD card: Turn of your radio (settings are not lost while doing this). Insert an SD card formatted in FAT32 file system. Turn on the radio while holding the SET B knob to SAVE a model to SD. Choose one of the 8 free slots to store your model (up buttons). The display should guide you trough the proces and shows what files exist (“free” means there is no fle and “1” means PROGRAM1.TXT exists on the SD card). WARNING : Models are overwritten without any question! Programs are saved as PROGRAM1.TXT until PROGRAM8.TXT and you can put the SD is any PC to store a copy of your model. Open a model from an SD card: Turn on the radio while holding the SET A knob to LOAD a model from SD. Follow the instructions on the display.
Ben benieuwd . Mijn vraag is waarom.. er zijn zenders tot 32 kanalen. En de nieuwe x20 van frsky gaat al veder geloof ik.. en met een paar beier printjes ken je mooi al je verlicht mee aan sturen...
Redenen waarom: 1.) De hoofdreden, voor het plezier van het zelf te maken, daar draait de hobby namelijk rond. 2.) 32 is te weinig voor ons project 3.) Alle logica zit in de zender zelf.en de ontvanger kanalen kunnen vanaf de zelder omgechakeld worden tussen servo PWM en LED PWM. 3.) De kwaliteit van de spullen die ik maak...al zeg ik het zelf 4.) Software op maat is altijd leuk en werkt precies zoals je wil. 5.) 2 afzonderlijke ontvangers in bijvoorbeeld truck/trailer mogelijk.of bijvoorbeeld 2 voertuigen als truck en graafmachine samen bestuurbaar. 6.) Waarom niet...kost iets van een 250€ in totaal
Dit ga ik zeker volgen want om met 1 zender meerdere voertuigen of functie te kunnen besturen zie ik wel zitten.
Op reden 1 kan ik geen tegenargument geven. De rest, ik kan nauwelijks bedenken wat je met een X20, icm Beier licht print niet kan behalen wat je zelf wilt programmeren.
Dat kan al met bijvoorbeeld de FrSky X10. Daar kan je 3 ontvangers met 8 kanalen aan koppelen. En die drie ontvangers hoeven niet in hetzelfde voertuig te zitten
Geen directe ervaring met de X10. Maar met bijvoorbeeld de X9E of de X20(S/HD) kan je bijna onbeperkt ontvangers koppelen in diverse configuraties.
x20 van frsky is inderdaad een grave zender en heeft veel meer aan boord dan wat ik in elkaar ga knutselen. Maar het gaat hier niet zozeer over competitief gedrag t.o.v. officiele fabriekanten, eerder een leuk en uitgebreid arduino project voor de doorgedreven DIY'er.