Finally the steering arms and linkages have been built. I didn't have much space at the transom for the linkages and I decided to make the steering arms wider than the radio box, just like the real F1 boats. Then, the linkages had to enter the radio box from the right and left side. I installed two brass tubes and the rubber for waterproofing at the inside of the hull. The result is much more scale and very functional since I used 2mm diameter and 250mm long stainless steel linkages which are flexible enough to push smoothly the motor. Maybe some grease inside the tubes would be useful. PS. Jan the steering arms are now perfectly aligned with the hinge pin ! Thanks !
Thanks Jan!! Yes the motor cowl weighs 80 grams and it is quite strong. Ply and fiberglass seem that they have done good job for the cowl too. I believe that the finished product will weigh ~ 90 grams.
I ve made some progress with the outboard as well: 1. New motor plate 4mm carbon, 2. New carbon cavitation plate with two water pick ups, 3. New motor MSQ 4074 1500 KV, 4. Outboard cover has been laminated with carbon fiber from the inside and 5. The lower part of the cover is painted. I hope that in the next update the outboard will be finished and in a Working condition.
Thank you very much @Returntohome!! I was trying to find a way to fit the steering rods and I ended up with a (semi-) scale steering system!
Looks like a very expensive German product if I had not known you made it from scratch! What a result and craftsmanship!
Looks like you will need to make a servo arm to get both control rods at 90' to the arms On my engine I use oil seals to keep the oil in , but it's never 100% effective, so I do worry a bit about the bit that escapes into the lake. I am trying better quality seals on my latest short shaft F1 engine, so we shall see.
I am very happy with the paint job of my mercury outboard cover. Now the standard decals, spray some cleacoat and it is ready...
Looks great, what paint are you using? Can be expensive when you need 4 colours, and only need a little.
Thank you both!! The colors are the standard acrylic spray cans and cost from 3.5 to 6.5 euros here in Greece. I also use these colors for the hulls so they are not expensive from that point of view.